Ep 34. How I’m Driving Traffic to My Podcast Using a Bundle

I recently participated in my first bundle and in this episode, I’ll be sharing a specific strategy I’m using to drive traffic to my podcast. Not sure what a bundle is? Don’t worry, I break that down in the episode too.

About Phylicia

Phylicia Pough, MBA is a wife, mom of 1 daughter and an entrepreneur. For over 10 years, Phylicia has been behind the scenes of businesses and ministries, keeping things organized. Her journey started in Administration and developed into Systems & Automation Consulting/Strategy. 

Her latest venture is The Mom CEO Suite which is a community for the modern day mom in business that curates experiences and safe spaces for mompreneurs. The Mom CEO Suite helps mompreneur service providers use systems to build a sustainable online business so they have the freedom to put family first without the business suffering.

Connect with Phylicia

Facebook: Phylicia Pough

Instagram: @PhyliciaPough

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/phyliciapough/

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Website: themomceosuite.com

Instagram: @themomceosuite

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You are now tuned in to the mom CEO suite podcast. I'm your host, Felicia, wife, mom, and entrepreneur. In this podcast, I'll be sharing my mompreneur journey along with strategies that will help you build your online business operations in a sustainable way. The goal is to help you build a business that fits into your lifestyle as a mom who values putting family first. We will also hear the experiences and expertise of other moms with service based businesses. You'll get a peek into our journeys, so you'll know that you aren't alone. Motherhood gets hard. Entrepreneurship gets hard. But together, we can do hard things. Welcome to the suite.

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Hey friend, welcome to another episode. Thank you for being here. Today, I'm going to be sharing how I am currently driving traffic to my podcast. There's a few things to that I'm doing, but there's one strategy. That's new. That I'm actually still in the middle of that. I, as I'm recording. This episode that I want to share with you. So I'll get into that in a little bit. Um, but for those who may not know, I have this year, mainly the second half of the year. I've prioritized, podcasting and email. As my main marketing strategies for my business. and I'm doing that because for me as a mom in business who is working from home with the little one. So like, those are most sustainable for me. For this season that I am in now. And I talk about this more in episode 24, where I am sharing what I believe to be. some effective marketing strategies for mompreneurs. So if you want to check that out, the link will be in the show description. but. How am I currently driving traffic to my podcast? Let's get into this strategy. That I mentioned that I'm sort of in the middle of right now. So I recently. Accepted an invitation to participate in a bundle. And this was my first time participating in a bundle for those of you who don't know what that is, it pretty much works like this. There's an organizer. And they gather. X amount of people I've seen bundles that have. A smaller amount, like 10 people, the bundle that I am currently a part of has 25 individuals. All of the individuals contribute a resource. And everyone promotes the bundle. During a specified promo period. So the. Glenda that I'm participating in now, the promo period was one week. I've seen them where it was shorter. Like four or five days. The organizer pretty much sets the parameters for how the bundle will operate. And during the promo period. someone who's interested in these resources. They will sign up for the bundle as a whole. And once they do that, then they will be redirected to a web page where they're able to select which specific resources out of the bundle they want to download. Now. There is pay bundles. There's free bundles. I've seen both of them. The one that I am participating in currently. It's a free bundle. So the idea is, people who are signing up. They get these resources that they would normally have to pay for. They get them for free only during this specified promo period, they can sign up and then they'll only have access to the bundle for. Uh, a certain timeframe it's like 30 days or something like that. Maybe it might be 45 days, but there's an exploration. Period. One, when they can access the bundle. So this again, I mentioned was my first time participating in a bundle. I really did not know what to expect. In terms of people signing up for my particular resource. And currently. there's. Maybe, one more day left in the promo period for this bundle. But so far, we've had about 115 people. Sign up for my resource, my resource. Is a training called how to use systems. To build a sustainable. Business. Now. I think those are amazing results. I, I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect that that many people would sign up for the resource. And I think. It happens for a lot of different reasons. Just thinking through the whole process and how the bundle was set up and. Who hosted the bundle by the way. Andrea Singletary of mama term, I preneur, she hosted this bundle and it was the social media detox bundle. And it's really how to build a sustainable business. Without relying on social media. So I think the fact that it's very much in alignment. With the messaging in my business. And the audience. Is the same audience as well, targeting mompreneurs or moms in business. And also when I looked at the resources there weren't. If there were any other, I missed it, but I didn't see any other resources that were related to system specifically. And so I think all of those things played a part into. Y participating in this particular bundle has been successful. Those are just some things for you to consider. If you are considering participating in a bundle. And, you also have to think about, you know, the type of person that is downloading free resources, someone who was in the phase, in their business. Or someone who was willing to still DIY. Or do some done with you type of service? And their avatar fits within the membership that I will be launching. So everything was very much in alignment with this bundle. I'm very pleased with the results. So, how am I using this to drive traffic to my podcast? I want the bag and what I did. With my resource, once people signed up. In my email marketing. Platform. Which has flow desk. And if you want to get 50% off of your first year, I do have an affiliate link that you can use. But in flow desk, what I did is, um, anybody who signed up. For this bundle. They will be tagged in my. Email list as the name of the bundle, and then they will automatically be entered into a workflow. That's also a named for the bundle. So just so I can know. Who's who. They receive a series of emails over a course of, I believe it's seven days. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but they immediately will get their download. That they signed up for. And then a couple of days later, what I've done, they get an email. And the email. Contains a link to a curated playlist. Now this is a playlist of podcast episodes that I created in my. Podcast manager. I'm not sure exactly what they call them, but I use captivate. To host my podcast. That's what it is. I podcast host. And they have. A feature where you can create a playlist. And so I created a playlist of my podcast episodes. That were related to the. Resource that I included in this bundle. So they are getting more information, more value. by listening to these podcast episodes. Again, without being charged for any of this information, So with this bundle, not only have I increased my email subscribers. But I've also used it as an opportunity to drive traffic to the podcast. So these people, they are interested in systems. They are interested in building their business sustainably. I included podcast episodes that specifically focused on those things and gave them more insight and resources related to those topics. Now I have not done the numbers yet because like I mentioned, we're in the middle of the bundle. I'm not sure how many people are going to stay on the list. Or I haven't done the numbers in terms of. You know how many people listened. From this bundle. But it is something that I'm going to be tracking. And it's a strategy that I wanted to share with you. That's perhaps you can use in your business in some way. Either exactly or modified. So that's one of the current ways that I'm driving traffic to the podcast. Outside of that. Typically, what I do is weekly. I send out emails. I sent two emails per week, and one of those emails is specifically. Designated for announcing podcast episodes. And so everybody on my list will get an email when a new podcast episode releases. And then in terms of social media, I have specific days that I am sharing about the podcast. I usually share. The podcast graphic and then two audio clips from the podcast. And so we've released episodes on Tuesdays. So our promote on Tuesdays promote on Thursdays. And then also on Saturdays, those are the designated days. And any additional thing that I might share on other days, that's just extra. I also, There's different things behind the scenes, in the business. For example, the podcast guests They have to fill out a form. As a part of the process for onboarding once they complete the form. It redirects to my podcasts. Play your page. So there's a page where all of my podcasts episodes live. So they're redirected to that page. Um, anybody who. Inquires about being a guest. They are also must they complete the form are redirected to the page. If I have any type of event, for example, the virtual networking mixer for mompreneurs. Once people sign up for that, again, they're redirected to the podcast. Play your page. And so this is just. Uh, giving another opportunity for people to know about the podcast. I also use flow desk too. Create a page of links and I include the podcasts, play your page on that page of links. And I promote that link and my emails, my social media, et cetera. So right now. Those are the main ways that I am promoting the podcast. And of course, when we have podcast guests, They receive promo. graphics and audio to share with their audience as well. And, uh, Next year in 2024, I will be. testing out some advertising. But I will share that journey along with you guys. As I get to that. But I definitely want it to come in and specifically share that bundle strategy with you. Let me know if this is something that you're going to implement in your business would love to hear how you also are driving. Traffic to your podcast. Feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram, and I will see you in the next episode.


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