Ep 9. Leveling Up with LinkedIn & B2B Contracts with Kirstyn Allen

Feb 26, 2023

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In this episode we hear from Kirstyn Allen as she shares her journey of pursuing entrepreneurship while maintaining her corporate career. She shares insight about landing B2B contracts and how to level up your LinkedIn presence. We also hear how she manages and balances motherhood, entrepreneurship and a corporate career.

About Kirstyn

Kirstyn Allen is an experienced sales and marketing leader who has contributed millions of dollars to Fortune 500 tech companies over the span of her career. Her corporate success and long-standing entrepreneurial spirit are what led to the formation of her company, The Kay Allen Agency. What started as a marketing consulting firm has now evolved into a business and leadership coaching practice that is laser-focused on helping entrepreneurs generate quality corporate leads on LinkedIn.

Connect with Kirstyn

Get Tickets for B2B Client Attraction Live: b2bclientattractionlive.com

Join the LinkedIn for Lead Gen Membership: linkedinforleadgen.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirstyn-allen/

Facebook: Kirstyn Allen

YouTube: Kirstyn J. Allen

Connect with The Mom CEO Suite

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